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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Captain John Smith Essays (513 words) - Jamestown, Virginia
Skipper John Smith John Smith had numerous attributes that assisted with making him a notable individual at the outset settlement of the New World. He was a valiant and tough individual who appeared to have little dread. He fled from home when he was youthful and turned into a fighter in Europe and the Near East (Barbour). He flourished for fervor and experience. During the settlement of Jamestown, he assumed on the liability of administration by sparing the state from starvation (Microsoft). He made the men plant yields and construct houses, while he was exchanging with the Indians for food (Microsoft). The province picked him President of the Jamestown settlement. The pioneers accepted and confided in him since he had spared them. John Smith was a brilliant man, and he composed numerous records about the happenings in Jamestown. He additionally distributed an article about his journey of 1614. His longest and most popular work was entitled The General History of Virginia (Gwinn). Without these records, we would know almost no about the state in the New World. In addition to the fact that he was an essayist, however he could likewise draw. He drew numerous maps indicating his undertakings and experiences. A significant number of these maps were utilized by different gatherings of pilgrims who went to the New World. John Smith was fearless, solid, keen, and a decent pioneer. His name is presumably best recognized as the man who was to be executed by Indians, when the main's girl hurried to his side and spared his life. Numerous history specialists question this occurrence and said that Smith was simply boasting and was a storyteller (McMichael). He had such a large number of various undertakings and he some of the time exaggerated. Regardless of whether John Smith exaggerated on occasion, he was as yet a fascinating and significant character in American History. Evaluate: I don't recollect adapting a lot on John Smith, however obviously I found out about him. My response to his work is addressing; I've heard how he was this daring and gallant legend, yet in the book it affirms that he was ?a vain show-boater? what's more, ?a teller of fanciful stories?. He didn't specify the entire Pocahontas thing, which is the primary that flies in my brain when I consider Smith. Be that as it may, I think I appreciate him more than Columbus since he was by all accounts progressively tranquil and receptive when it went to the Indians. It claims in the American Literature book that he ?exchanged for food with the Indians, took in their traditions and language?. It doesn't appear as though he constrained anything on them or thought his direction and his traditions were better than theirs. Reference index SOURCES Barbour, L. Philip. Reference book Americana. Grolier Incorporated, 1997. pg. 59-60. Gwinn, P. Robert and others. The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Reference book Britannica, Inc. 1991. pg. 895-896. The Lincoln Library of Essential Information. The Frontier Press Company, 1974. pg. 1974. ?Smith, Captain John?. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000. 1997-2000. Microsoft Corporation. McMichael, George and others. Succinct Anthology of American Literature. 1998 Prentice-Hall, Inc. pg. 22-36. Life stories
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Chinese Abacus – Short Essay
The Chinese Abacus The Chinese Abacus is a straightforward gadget for performing scientific counts. The Chinese Abacus otherwise called a â€Å"Suanpan†in Chinese. The Abacus was first referenced by the mathematician Xu Yueh toward the finish of Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A. D). The Abacus is a device for ascertaining numbers, and was broadly utilized in old occasions up to the innovation of the advanced mechanical and electronic adding machines. The Abacus is like the cutting edge adding machine. It has a rectangular wooden edge with dabs in the columns.There is a cross pole to isolate dabs into two sections, over the pole each globule speaks to amounts of five and as it moves right it goes up like 50, 500, 5000, etc, while under the bar each dot speaks to amounts of one and goes up to 10, 100, 1000, etc. The fundamental tasks for which the math device is useful incorporate number juggling activities, for example, expansion, deduction, increase, and division. The computatio nal techniques utilizing an Abacus are called math device estimations. This gadget was made utilizing wood and globules. You just include the dabs that are in the inside on the divider.The Abacus is still being used today by businesspeople in Asia and â€Å"Chinatowns†in North America. The utilization of the math device is still instructed in Asian schools, and exactly barely any schools in America. Dazzle youngsters are instructed to utilize the Abacus. One specific use for the Abacus is showing youngsters basic science and particularly duplication. The Abacus is additionally a brilliant apparatus for showing other base numbering frameworks since it effectively adjusts to any base. I made my Abacus by basically getting four wood boards and nailing them together to make a wooden frame.Then I got another wood board and nailed in the center to make the cross bar. I penetrated 13 gaps on the cross bar, the top, and base of the edge. I stalled out it through the highest point of the casing, put two dabs in and stuck it through the cross bar, included five additional dabs at that point stuck the stick through the base piece of the edge along these lines making the main segment. I proceeded with this procedure 12 additional occasions until I completed the entirety of the 13 sections. After I was done I painted my casing purple and I was done. A splendidly made Chinese Abacus made inside one and a half hours. .
Friday, August 21, 2020
Random file Free Essays
Hypothesis of Knowledge Divided line (Republic Book VI) What are the 2 universes? What are the 4 divisions? The Greek expressions The particular models Allegory of the cavern (Republic Book W) What is the story? Plato’s strategy Socratic exchange/technique Socratic incongruity Why does Socrates never offer the response? 2 reasons: what right? Socratic discourse + Socratic incongruity = TRUTH Plato’s set of three of takes a shot at the finish of Socrates’ life Apology: Socrates’ barrier 2 charges against him: what right? Crito: Socrates in Jail, talking about Justice Phaedo: the passing of Socrates Philosophers Unpaid speakers Quest for information Never guarantee they have information Have an obligation to edify others regardless of whether the others don’t need it Believe in managing others to the appropriate response, not giving it legitimately Always scanning for the TRUTH Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Sophists Paid speakers Taught honorability, respect, and greatness Uses talk (expressive, extravagant language) to control and misdirect others into speculation as they do, into tolerating their qualities They claim to have the responses to ll questions, yet they don’t They instruct so as to pick up riches and influence Do not look for reality Will coddle the solution to their educators Politicians, specialists, and so on. Gorgias, Meno, Protagoras Horse and gadfly model Socrates is the fly, Athens is the pony The pony is fat and sluggish, and the fly is attempting to pester the pony to get it to move Athens is oblivious and lethargic, and Socrates is attempting to push the individuals to learn It isn't simple, since one man’s power isn't sufficient to move the whole country; all Socrates can do is continue attempting Plato’s Meno The inquiry: what is ethicalness? The models Socrates and Meno use to attempt to address the inquiry: Bee Shape Color Health quality What is the issue with Meno’s answers? Assessment versus Information (doxa versus We will compose a custom exposition test on Irregular document or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now episteme) July first, second, and third notes What are the similitudes? Instructions to refer to Random record, Papers
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What It Means to Have Freedom - 860 Words
Today we accept that freedom is a basic right human right but what exactly is freedom. 1On one hand, there is physical freedom. People who are not imprisoned or enslaved are free. On the other hand, there is freedom as a the right to act, speak or think what you want. People cannot reach their full potential if they are not free in both senses of the word. Freedom means living life as one wants, everything else is a form of slavery. If a person is not allowed to make his or hers decisions, if he or she is not free to live life as he/she wants than he/she doesn’t have power over his or her existence. If freedom was not essential for every human being than no one would have found so fiercely for it. If it was not important than today we would not be still fighting to keep and extend our freedom. In the center Simone de Beauvoir’s understanding of freedom is the understanding that people cannot achieve an authentic existence if they do not help others achieve and understand freedom. For her a person lives in a word full of other people and he or she cannot live his or her life if he/she does not respect the freedom of others. For De Beauvoir freedom is an ambiguity. The ambiguity is the fact that people make their own choices and they them self judge if they are right or wrong. A person can make a decision he thinks is right in the moment but that decision can later on look wrong. According to De Beauvoir2 children do not experience real freedom. They are born in a worldShow MoreRelatedAmerican606 Words  | 3 PagesProfessor J. O’Brien October 6, 2013 What Does It Mean To Be An American? For hundreds of years the United States has been attracting immigrants from a variety of different countries, races, and religions to come live in a land full of freedom and opportunity. These people were looking for more than just rights and privileges. Their real desire was to become something that represents pride and honor, an American. Being an American means much more than living in the United States. AlongRead MoreThe Issue Of State And Sovereignty Essay1516 Words  | 7 Pagescomes the controversy on what sovereignty actually means? Sovereignty best fits in the category of supreme power, but in order to have such authority there is a need of an existence from a state. The idea of State and sovereignty goes hand-in-hand, because it belongs to the nation and supervises the state and maintain its order, and this order sometimes has been accomplished by violent means. Moreover, Schmitt and Arendt offer different accounts on what Sovereignty means in political theory, andRead MoreThe National Identity Of Being Amercian Essay779 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans still have a sense of national identity ? Joonkyung(David) Chi, Class - 11:30 The national identity of being Amercian will be the concept of everyone. A. The prominent national identitiy of being American is the freedom.†¨ Today, The freedom may could be considered by the value of Amercian. According to The Atlantic, when American were asked the question â€Å"What contributes to America having stronger values than other places in the world?†, over the half of Amercian say the freedom is importantRead MoreThe Question of Freedom959 Words  | 4 PagesThe Question of Freedom What I shall continue with is a discussion of the relevance of Spinoza in understanding freedom. Now while I may have been fundamentally opposed to Spinoza’s claim that he was offering freedom in my previous papers, I feel that I am better equipped to speak about this issue now in terms of its relevance. Spinoza’s idea of freedom is indeed relevant to philosophy today, and to crack a bad pun, he is a determinate and necessary part of understanding freedom in the modernRead MoreWhat Is Economic Freedom?1509 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is economic freedom? In fact, what freedom really means, at its core? In words of Wayne Dyer, â€Å"Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery†and according to Franklin Delano Roosevelt â€Å"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Combine the sayings of these two great men and we get the true essence of what it really means to have economic freedom. In more technical terms, for an individual to haveRead MoreHow Is One Considered An American?1209 Words  | 5 PagesHow is one considered an American? What does it mean to be a citizen? What does it mean to be a part of a country? I believe that being a citizen is much more than just living in the same country for a set number of years. There are several ways that the word citizen can be defined. For example, individuals may say that when you do good deeds and make your country a better place you are considered a citizen. When you work hard to donate to your country you are showing that you believe inRead MoreEssay about Analyzing with a Two-Way Anova787 Words  | 4 Pagesgroups (married, single never married, divorced), and the means refer to happiness scores (n = 100): a. What is/are the independent variable(s)? What is/are the dependent variable(s)? The independent variables are gender and marital status. The dependent variable is the happiness. b. What would be an appropriate null hypothesis? Alternate hypothesis? Alternate hypothesis about gender can be that females will have greater happiness mean score than males. There is also an alternative hypothesisRead MoreThe Political And Moral Thought Of Rousseau And Kant1571 Words  | 7 PagesConceptions of Freedom in the Political and Moral Thought of Rousseau and Kant In the Age of Enlightenment, both Rousseau and Kant discuss the idea of freedom concerning a man’s will. In spite of their shared conception of freedom as self-legislative autonomy, they differ markedly in terms of what freedom really means. The substantive differences between their accounts of freedom illustrate the two philosophers’ different perceptions about the norms of a civil state, which I suggest, are both flawedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article The Tragedy Of Common 1727 Words  | 7 PagesWhy â€Å"Freedom in a Commons†Ruins Everything In the article â€Å"The Tragedy of Common†, Garret Hardin, a professor of human ecology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, writes that, â€Å"ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, which pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons bring ruin to all†(Garret 33). As we all know, freedom is the right people are born with, so why will it ruin everything? In the beginning, weRead MoreCondemned Freedom: Sartre1417 Words  | 6 PagesWhen discussing the Vietnam War and his choice to be involved in discussing international politics Sartre said, â€Å"No matter what I write. I am always in contradiction with myself and with society. That is what being an intellectual means†(M. I. Kindred). The following essay will explain how a contradiction of himself weakens one of the philosopher’s most famous quotes. In examining Sartre’s idea of humans being â€Å"condemned to be free,†there will be logical faults. There will be contradictions with
Friday, May 15, 2020
Three Characters Who Have Influenced Katniss Essay
Ewon Chang Ms. Costa ENG3U 6th November 2012 Three characters who have influenced Katniss Everyone in society must have been influenced by others around him. Think about it; a person can always find several people who have influenced him deeply in his life, such as his parents and teachers. More specifically, the person can be directly influenced by their words and actions; he can also be unconsciously influenced by their minds and moods. However, these influences can be positive or negative for a man. Katniss, the protagonist in The Hunger Games, has been influenced in both positive and negative ways by three characters: Gale, Cinna and Cato. Gale teaches Katniss hunting skills like a big brother and promises to take care of Prim.†¦show more content†¦At the last time they meet before the Games, Katniss cries out, â€Å"don’t let them starve! ... [Gale] won’t! You know [Gale] won’t†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Collins 40). The reassurance is really important for Katniss because she is so concerned about her fa mily, especially about her younger sister Prim. With Gale’s strong guarantee, Katniss can give herself completely to the Games. Gale has influenced Katniss positively by teaching her hunting skills and providing a reassuring guarantee. Cinna, as Katniss’s stylist throughout the Games, has turned Katniss to a stunner in the opening ceremonies to help her attract sponsors, as well as prepare for the interview. The fire costume is so dazzling that it has caused a sensation in the opening ceremonies. When Katniss and Peeta ride out in a chariot down the street, â€Å"the people of the Capitol are going nuts, showering [them] with flowers, shouting [their] names, [their] first names†¦ Cinna has given [Katniss] a great advantage. No one will forget [Katniss]. Not [her] look, not [her] name†(Collins 70). The perfect debut of Katniss helps her get a lot of rich sponsors who can provide her with valuable support during the Games. Different from Haymitch’s ar bitrary requirement to the presentation, Cinna’s suggestion is so suitable and reasonable for Katniss that she can show her best aspects to the audience. As Katniss follows Cinna’s strategy to be herself in the presentation, â€Å"the applause continues long afterShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Communication In The Hunger Games1148 Words  | 5 Pagesnation) to fight it out for one winner in an area each year to prevent and remember the historic rebellion from the past. There are many aspects of communication presented throughout each stage of the movies, however, during the whole movie the top three elements that stand out the most would be the amount of diversity in the different cultures, the aspect of relationships, and the theme of self-concept and perception. One of the main aspects of communications throughout the hunger games if notRead MoreThe Hunger Games, Directed By Neil Burger1181 Words  | 5 Pagesdecisions that main characters have to follow through their actions and scripts to foster ethical conduct. Ethical decisions made have causes and effects, consequences, framed in context of how a movie with different scripts can achieve its highest-priority themes and guarantee positive ratings. A 2012 film, The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross and 2014 film, Divergent, directed by Neil Burger presents two ideal films focusing on the ethical decisions made by the main characters. This essay aimsRead MoreA Comparison Of The Hunger Games And The Road1638 Words  | 7 Pagesnovels prove that while some characters had to turn off their humanity in a horrific world like The Hunger Games and The Road, the two main characters of each book demonstrated how a barbaric world could not take that virtue from them. ​These two worlds Collins and McCarthy created where killing is a form of entertainment and/or necessity for one’s survival, one may assume that expressing any form of humanity is a sign of weakness. Moreover, because the main characters of both novels didn’t care ifRead MoreEssay about Transcendentalism and the Hunger Games1102 Words  | 5 Pagesnon-conformity, individualism, simplicity, the greatness of nature, and God being within oneself. Transcendentalism is often represented in modern day pop-culture; a strong example of this is The Hunger Games. The book depicts the life of Katniss Everdeen, a character who possesses many transcendental qualities. The Hunger Games displays many transcendental values and shows that living a transcendental life is positive and will improve one’s quality of life. Nature is a major transcendental value whichRead MoreTheme Of Identity In The Hunger Games1636 Words  | 7 Pagesthat distinguish or identify a person or thing†( Every single person has one aspect of themselves that is different from everybody else; their identity. It is especially unique to their personal qualities and beliefs, yet can be influenced by others, or even a community. A community heavily influences the beliefs of everyone inside it, due to its display of propaganda, oppression, and inequality between its people. Suzanne Collins displays propaganda from the oppressive rule of theRead More The Hunger Games Trilogy Essay2309 Words  | 10 PagesGames, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay are the three works that make up the series. A major motion picture was released titled The Hunger Games, after the first book in the series, and it instantly became a box office hit. Those who have not read the books may be left wondering why a book series focused on kids ages 12-18 are put into an arena and fight to the death is creating such a commotion. Not only are the books popular among adolescents, many adults have also found the series captivating as wellRead MoreFeminism and the Marxist Theory in the Hunger Games1847 Words  | 8 PagesTitle Annually in the country once known as North America, the nation of Panem uses their dictatorship, they call the Capitol to rule over the twelve districts they have created. The Districts have all had major revolts, as a response to these rebellions the government of the Capitol has enacted a cruel intimidation tactic called The Hunger Games. It is a violent event televised nationally throughout all of the districts where a male and female from each district is picked as a Tribute. These TributesRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Hunger Games2302 Words  | 10 Pagestimes there is encouragement to act in ways that promote thrill and adventure. This way, media glorifies the bad aspects of people and encourages them to act in forbidden ways. The Hunger Games includes many of these aspects. For example, observe Katniss Everdeen in her journey as a tribute, a victor, and a leader. Her varying degrees of awareness, understanding, and manipulation of televised content accurately reflect how our own society responds to it as well. A focus on how much the media influencesRead MoreSocial Criticism in the Hunger Games and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland2170 Words  | 9 Pagesdystopian story of Katniss, a young girl who has to participate in a fight-to-death-tournament with 23 other teenagers. Connoisseurs might have recognized the quotation of the classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, first published in 1865. Mostly known as a children’s book, the novel depicts the story of Alice a girl that finds herself in a wonderland, where she meets many curious people and gets confronted with arbitrary brutality. Although they don’t seem to have much in commonRead MoreJournal Entries - Ap English; How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Foster2571 Words  | 11 Pagesrecognized: every journey or trip a story embarks upon follows a pattern, and that pattern is a quest. The first component of a quest is the hero, the character – often central to the story – who makes a difference for the other characters, and often makes a great change in themselves through the experience of the quest. Skeeter is a principle character in the Help, and she is not content with her present life, living at home with her mother trying to marry her to a good southern gentleman, as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Industrial Capitalism And The Economic System - 1433 Words
Panic of 1873 HIST 101 Industrial capitalism is defined when the economic system is based on trading products and operations for profit. This allowed people to have their private property, wage labor, a price system and created competitive markets. Behind the Panic of 1873, the American society was heavily relied on mercantile capitalism. Mercantile capitalism is the earliest capitalism to be ever created in the development of capitalism as an economic system. Mercantile capitalism is heavily dependent on local markets, which developed in early 9th century and in medieval Europe from the 12th century. As people were having their own private properties, and have more money to trade products in big scale and were able to produce products in mass scale, industrial capitalism has been created that continues to this day. The panic of 1873 is the first global depression that was occurred by new idea of industrial capitalism. The key to industrial capitalism is a boom and bust cycle. Boom and bust cycle is occurred by the process of economic expansion and contraction that occurs repeatedly. During that cycle, booming phase is when the economy is growing, jobs are growing and the market is brining high returns to the investors, which â€Å"booms†the economy. Consequently, the downfall of boom and bust cycle which is bust, can cause inflation to decrease, unemployment to increase, incomes fall and demands decreases. The panic of 1873 is the first global depression that was occurredShow MoreRelatedCapitalism Vs. Socialism And Communism1175 Words  | 5 Pages Capitalism VS. Socialism/Communism Analysis The industrial revolution changed the way people lived. Before the industrial revolution all the work that is now done by machines was done by hand. It also allowed the ambitious working class man to join the rich at the top. This was done through capitalism and laisses-faire economics which gave businesses the ability to operate in a free market without government regulation. Capitalism deserves its share of criticism because of the abuses it causedRead MoreEconomics Is The Science Of Scarcity1728 Words  | 7 PagesEconomics is the science of scarcity. Scarcity is when you have a population with unlimited wants coupled with limited resources. Essentially, economics deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The societies in the books 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 both take advantage of some form of an economic system, whether it be the command economy of Oceania, or the overly consumerist economy of the dystopian United States. An economic system is how a society deals with theseRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Industrial Revolution1214 Words  | 5 Pagesthe emergence of the ‘Industrial Revolution’, the great age of steam, canals and factories that changed the face of the British economy forever.†(White, M, The Industrial Revolution). The industrial revolution sparked the development of capitalist economies and as a consequence a division of labour was formed. Therefore the capitalist system is seen as a natural consequence of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period in which societies became industrial due to there being anRead MoreNature : A Reflection Of Human Life1094 Words  | 5 PagesNature  A Reflection of Human Life: Small Peasant Economy vs. Industrial Capitalism in The Bee-pasture and Covers the Ground The leading American artist Andy Warhol once said, â€Å"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.†In The Bee-pastures and Covers The Ground, the conservationist John Muir and the environmental activist Gary Snyder both value nature as a reflection of human life. By depicting the original beauty and negative changeRead MoreThe Economic System Of Capitalism1639 Words  | 7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution in Western Europe provided the context for economists and political writers of the nineteenth century to promote three different economic plans designed to meet the needs of workers and entrepreneurs. Capitalism was first proposed by Adam Smith as a reform plan for the existing economic system of mercantilism. The major tenets of capitalism included: free enterprise, competition at every level, and private property. Although there were many advantages including new inventionsRead MoreThe Influence of the Communis t Manifesto on the Development of Industrial Capitalism1249 Words  | 5 Pagesthe dominating economic system of the twenty-first century. In the later nineteenth century, however, industrial capitalism was on the brink of ruin. â€Å"On many occasions during the past century, Marxists have thought that capitalism was down for the count . . . Yet it has always come back with renewed strength.†Industrial capitalism succeeded in the face of communism, despite numerous economic disasters. As the capitalist economists hopefully noted at the time, these economic earthquakes, temporaryRead MoreEssay on Market Society1680 Words  | 7 Pagesand the â€Å"spirit of capitalism†and how those two is important to the emergence of the market society. Lastly, this paper will be concluded by explaining why the shift to market society is a necessary transformation. Market society is characterized by the self-regulation market system, the shift in relations between economy and social relations, and the commodification of everything. The self-regulation market system refers to as â€Å"a system capable of organizing the whole economic life without outsideRead MoreThe Uk Model Of Capitalism1576 Words  | 7 Pagesthat UK model of capitalism belongs to the Liberal Market Economies area, that is, it presents features widely shared with other countries falling in the Anglo-Saxon capitalism realm (i.e. US, Australia, Ireland). This essay has two aims, the first is to describe the main characteristics of the UK model of capitalism, and the second is to give account of the actual problems it faces. We will divide our work in different parts, each one focusing on a particular aspect of UK capitalism, namely educationRead MoreEconomic Development Of China Through Marxian Economics And Neoclassical Economics1618 Words  | 7 Pages In the era of capitalist globalization, the economic growth of China has made the country a possible regional leader with the potential to become a global power. With respect to economics, China’s capitalist market has become a key international player in global politics. One way of conceptualizing the phenomenon of economic expansion in China is through the examination of traditional and contemporary IR theories. China’s remarkable economic growth, which exemplifies their â€Å"socialist market economyRead MoreFour Visions of Society (Summary)849 Words  | 4 Pagesresearch on sociocultural evolution, or the changes that occur as a society gains new technology. There were five types of societies, namely: (1) Hunting and Gathering Societies, (2) Horticultural and Pastoral Societies, (3) Agrarian Societies, (4) Industrial Societies, and (5) Postindustrial Societies. Hunting and Gathering refers to the use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation. These type of societies are family centered, specializing limited to age and sex; little social inequality
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Lifestyles Fitness Center
Lifestyles Fitness Center-Marketing Essay Lifestyles Fitness Center Lifestyles Fitness Center May 16 (Updated with Financial data 01-28-2001) Javon Jones Chief Executive Officer Lifestyles Fitness Shopping Center Someplace, CO 64093 (303) 555-5555 Prepared with the assistance of The Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Development And Small Business Development Colorado State University Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 Present Situation 5 Objectives 6 Management 8 Product / Service Description 10 Market Analysis Customers Competition Focus Group Research Risk 14 Marketing Strategies Pricing Profitability Selling Tactics Distribution Advertising Promotion Public Relations Business Relationships 18 Appendix Financial Projections 12-Month Budget 5-Year Income Statement Cash-Flow Projection Pro Forma Balance Sheet Break-Even Analysis Sources Uses of Funds Summary Start-Up Requirements Use of Funding Proceeds Lifestyles Fitness Center Executive Summary In 1995, Lifestyles Fitness Center was formed to provide a full service fitness center to provide for all segments of the populace in Lifestyles Fitness and the surrounding area. Although there is an existing work out center in Lifestyles Fitness, the existing facility does not provide the support for the senior members of the community. Our mission is to provide a center that will provide not only an area for dedicated weight lifters, but also for the person seeking to maintain fitness. We want to provide a center that supports aerobic, cardiovascular, and weight training for all segments of the community. The ability of Lifestyles Fitness to provide both an indoor track combined with certified training is a capability unique to private fitness centers in this area. The center will also provide showers and changing rooms for their clients to use. The center will also provide workout apparel for each individual (if preferred). This service will expand the marketability of Lifestyles Fitness. We have also added to our existing services. We have developed plans to introduce a health and protein drink bar and provide exotic coffees for customers. In addition, we also offer a nutritionalist and a cafeteria. It is considered that this will also provide an area that the cliental can cool down, relax and get the proper nutrition after a work out. This will also provide additional income for the center. Management Our management team consists of persons with a broad background in both the fitness area and business management, and it is fully supported by the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies and Development and Small Business Development Center at Colorado State University. The management staff consist of Old McDonald CEO and supervisor of training, Dad McDonald director of Marketing, Dad McDonald III assistant director of facilities, and Mom McDonald Vice president. Old has a broad background in the fitness training industry, currently carrying a training certification from the AAIA/ISMA. He is currently working on a degree in business with emphasis on the fitness industry. He has held several different titles in both track and field and football. In high school he was selected as All-American Football Linemen, was All-State his junior and senior years in track and his senior year in football, and was All-Conference his freshmen year in college. Dad has a BS, MS, and EdS degree, and is currently working on specialized training in industrial marketing. He has a broad background in business, having worked for the SBDC for four years. Dad McDonald III is highly qualified having worked as a Multi- Purpose Building Supervisor for four years on the Lifestyles Fitness Colorado State Campus. He is highly cognizant of the needs of the fitness business in the area of facilities management and service. Mom has a vast background in the telemarketing industry having been manager for Florafax International. She has worked as a member of the management staff for several different companies. Lifestyles Fitness Center intends to use every facet available for marketing and advertisement. One of our concepts is to use area facilities such as restaurants and nightclubs as sources of advertisement. We already have four area businesses that have given us verbal commitment for assistance by placing banners and placards in their business places and distributing flyers to their customers. Our target market will be primarily be the student/young adult and senior citizen, but Lifestyles Fitness will not be limiting itself to this market alone. .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .postImageUrl , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:hover , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:visited , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:active { border:0!important; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:active , .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464 .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue1d6fa37c46c06ff4ead2b431ee9a464:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Research Paper Essay We believe that the fitness industry is open to all individuals and should be made available to all markets. By having a broader clientele our income base would not be limited, we will literally .
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